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Division of Cardiology

The Division of Cardiovascular Medicine is recognized by Taiwan Society of Cardiology as having the ability to train cardiology specialist. The following examinations and treatments are regularly conducted in our division:

1. 12-lead electrocardiogram

2. Treadmill exercise test

3. 24 hour Holter’s ambulatory electrocardiogram

4. Wrist electrocardiogram

5. 24-hour blood pressure monitor

6. Echocardiogram (including Doppler and color Doppler echocardiogram)

7. Transesophageal echocardiogram

8. Carotid and peripheral echovasculography

9. Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

10. Biplane Cineangiography

11. Coronary Angiography

12. Stent implant

13. Rotablator atherectomy

14. Peripheral angiography & angioplasty

15. Electrophysiologic study

16. Ensite 3000 EPS mapping

17. Radiofrequence Catheter Ablation

18. Permanent Pacemaker implantation

19. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)

20. Endomyocardial Boipsy

21. Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scan and radionuclide angiography