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Department of Dentistry

Based on the business demands of clinical/medical care for the citizens, the Kaohsiung Medical University Affiliated-hospital System, in year 2001 (or the 90th calendar year), expanded her original capacity of “the Division of Dentistry” to “the Department of Dentistry”, in which there are ten (10) clinical divisions and dental clinic (on Zhongshan 1st Rd.).  This Department of Dentistry is orientated, by definition & planning, as the region’s top level Medical Center, which carries the unique responsibility of clinical teaching and research, and includes the special demands of high-quality medical services in the region as well.  In addition, to fulfill its service duties in the society & the region, this Department of Dentistry has offered clinical services in the following specific areas:

1. Dental Clinics for People with Special Needs (including the elderly, children, and disables)

2. Clinic of the (Special) Dental Care for Pregnant Female

3. Dental Implant Clinic / Clinic of Dental Implant (or Dental Implantology Clinic) 

4. Clinic of the Temporo-mandibular Disorders (Clinic of the TMJD)

5. Clinic of the (Special) Dental Care for Patients on Onco/(Irradio)-chemotherapies 


Extended dental services to be covered in the future:

1. Clinic of the (Special) Dental Care for Organ Transplant Patients

2. Clinic of the (Special) Dental Care for Oral Mucous Membrane Diseases

3. Clinic of (Special) Dental Care for International Medical Services

