
小兒部在 2003年成立小兒遺傳及內分泌新陳代謝科,主司小兒領域特有的遺傳疾病、內分泌異常及遺傳性代謝疾病的診斷、治療、遺傳諮詢服務,負責教學及醫學研究。





小兒特有的內分泌疾病有先天甲狀腺低功能症、甲狀腺亢進疾病、小兒糖尿病、先天腎上腺增生症、腦下垂體性生長激素缺乏症、生長遲緩、性早熟、生殖腺發育異 常及環境賀爾蒙相關疾病等。在本科可以提供詳細的檢查、診斷、治療及家族的諮詢。


藉由新生兒代謝疾病篩檢技術的進步,可以早期診斷及治療先天代謝異常疾病,國內無法診斷的罕見疾病也可以經由國健局申請,透過國外檢驗中心的確診,提供治 療,減少病友的疑慮及不適。







The division of Pediatric Genetics, Endocrinology and Metabolism was set up on 2003, which provide clinical diagnosis, specific genetic tests including chromosome study and molecular genetic diagnosis, endocrine tests and inherited metabolic disorders for children and genetic counseling for rare disease. The members of this division are Dr. Bai-Hsiun Chen, and Dr. Hui-Pin Hsiao. The medical services include:

1.  Provide diagnosis, treatments, genetic counseling and family support about genetic diseases, rare diseases and inherited metabolic diseases.

2.  Provide specific tests and excellent cares for pediatric endocrinologic diseases - congenital hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, IDDM, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, growth hormone deficiency, precocious puberty and gonadal disorder.

3.  Provide confirmation and treatment for inherited metabolic disorders.

4.  Provide specific diagnosis and molecular genetic diagnosis for rare diseases via National Health Bureu to National Medical Center for confirmation.

5.  Provide special training program of Genetics, Endocrine and Metabolism for Pediatrics.