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Division of Pediatric Neurology

  The division of pediatric neurology was established in 1986. The division deals with the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric neurological diseases in the OPD and ward, as well as clinical education and research in this field. It is also our goal to educate more specialists with clinical experience and research ability in addition to serving the patients.

  In addition to routine neurological examinations, we provide the patients with special evaluations by means of spinal tapping, brain and muscle echogram, muscle and nerve biopsy, electromyography, nerve conduction velocity, evoked potentials, and electroencephalogram. We also cooperate with departments of Radiology and Nuclear medicine to offer patients with CT, MRI, angiography, and SPECT. Similar effort is also undergone in genetic counseling by coordinating with the faculties of Departments of Gyn/Obs and Medical genetics.
